Photo Credit: Sarah Chapman

Photo Credit: Sarah Chapman

Photo Credit: Sarah Chapman

Message contains inappropriate content.

Includes personal information from sender (not anonymous)

Addressee is too specific. Not anonymous.

Recipient not able to be found. No sandwiches on site.

Recipient not able to be found. No pets on site.

Recipient not able to be found. No dry people on site.

Recipient not able to be found. Could not identify youth.

Recipient not able to be found. No reading on site.

Recipient not able to be found. Everyone was past the point of refreshment.

Recipient not able to be found. beyond point of playing.

Negative portrayal of addressee.

Message gives illegal instructions.

Unlucky 13: Undeliverable Mail from Northern Spark 2014
2014 accepted submission to The Floating Library
Role: Co-Creator
Materials: Plastic folder, postcards, ink
Packet of selected undeliverable postcards from Nighttime Post at Northern Spark 2014 compiled for The Floating Library located on Cedar Lake , Minneapolis MN and Lake Winona, Winona MN over 4 weekends in August and September.
Collaborators: Co- Creator - Erin Lavelle, Unknown Authors, Typesetting by Nighttime Post postmasters.