Breaking open the pod allows a visceral experience of various textures while revealing the nested contents
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy
The scroll tied with twine containing invitation details is revealed
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy
Questions for the participants to consider are included with the invitation
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

The Pyre sculpture is highlighted in a room of reverence

Collected wood lashed with twine and decorated with gauze

Participants could view, touch, and commune with the sculptural Pyre

A forest of materials assembled and hung from branches for participants to use in creating kindling packets

Two questions were posed to participants - What do you want to lay to rest? and What fires do you want to start?
The delivered package reveals a mysterious pod with simple instructions
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Creating kindling and community

Artful Kindling Creations
Photo Credit: Phillip O'Toole

Once completed kindling could be lashed to or hung on the pyre
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

A kindling packet being lashed to the pyre
PhotKindlingo Credit: Chas Kennedy

The ritual of a flaming cocktail is offered to participants so inclined
Photo Credit: Phillip O'Toole

A flame lantern leads the Pyre bearers to Giggly Hills
Photo Credit: Phillip O'Toole

Flag bears the flaming heart symbol
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy
Lighting the Pyre
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Tending the flames
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Burdens released and fires lit
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Ritual & Community
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Fireworks Finale
Photo Credit: Chas Kennedy

Art Project #1 (Redux) Teaser Trailer
Art Project #1 (Redux)
Pyre sculpture and Funerary Performance 2015
Role: Co-Creator
Materials included: Wood, twine, gauze, matches & fireworks
A wooden sculpture/pyre and funerary ritual at a private residence and a public park along the Mississippi River in Minneapolis on February 14, 2015.
Collaborators: Co-Creator: Erin Lavelle